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Hollywood Love: Happily Ever After

Hollywood Love: Happily Ever After

In 1927 Kate rode a motorcycle from Delaware to Hollywood, where she became a Goldwyn Girl and acted in several movies under the name Gigi Parrish. There she met John.

John told Louella Parsons he wanted to write, not act, so she sent him to the New York Herald where he signed on with another reporter named John Steinbeck.

Eventually, he met Kathryn. They were married and lead a very adventurous life together.

John served on the Scripps Board of Trustees and, after talking it over with Kathryn, decided to help Scripps fulfill its mission by including Scripps in their living trust. Their attorney took the simple language available from Scripps Health Foundation and included a nice bequest.

"We love Scripps and know they will make good use of these funds."

You also may want to make it easy and convenient to have a bequest included in your will. The language below shows how a bequest can very easily be included in your will.

View our sample language for your will or trust.
